Windows 2008 and Windows 7 out of support

Since yesterday Windows 7 and Windows 2008 (and R2 and R2 SP1) went out of Extended support (If you even had that…).
To be honest, we had a good run with those operating systems and they served us well.
We hope you have migrated away from these toward Windows 10 and Windows 2016/2019. I am sure many Windows Server 2012 and 2012 R2 are there of course, but keep in mind these are in extended support now for another 2 years. Where possible try and get to a 2016/2019 state soon and make use of the possibilities in those.
For the many Windows 2008 servers still out there… Remember there will be no more updates after today (except if you have a superduper-contract and something very special happens, or when you have taken up an Azure contract for moving your 2008 machines into the cloud). Keep in mind a lot of this is postponing the pain and gives risks. Also several programs will no longer support it. For example SCOM 2019 no longer supports Win2008 agents. Can you get it to work? Yes, with an older SCOM agent. But things get more difficult to manage and update each time.
We know many of you are still migrating the last sets of 2003 and 2008 (and R2) servers and we wish you good luck!